Thursday, 21 March 2013

Weekend Getaway - OOTY

Last weekend we took a quick road trip to Ooty...

The route we took - Bangalore - Mysore - Bandipur - Gudalur- Pykarra - Ooty , Road is mostly good except for few mega size bumps around Bandipur (unforgiving to Civic) and a stretch of 5 km after Bandipur to Gudalur .
Since we started early around 6 am from Bangalore we reached Ooty by 1:30 pm with few breaks.

While on our way forward we didn't have much excitement , way back was a different story altogether ..we saw plenty of 'wildlife' on either side of the road. I am so taking my next weekend trip to Bandipur. This definetely would be better than the trip we took to Jim corbett park where the only wild thing we ever spotted was 'junglee murgis'  ..thank god it was a trip with great friends and good drinks, we had fun nonetheless (what would be life without friends eh ??) Well anyways , check out the pic below for all that we spotted on state highway 

Amazing ..No ??

Well so back on track on about THIS weekend, since we hardly ever ventured out of the hotel for any sightseeing , would not be fair to comment on the pleasures of city ..but we did spend a lot of time in our hotel, so a detailed review comes up next.

Ok, so  little background..i stayed at this hotel for a night almost 7 years ago (part of my extended honeymoon trip......more on that later) and i always had this really thought it was cute and quaint the way english cottages are.

Taj Savoy Ooty is a heritage hotel from Taj group of hotels. Built in 1834 , it was meant to be a school but later in 1845 was converted into a hotel and has been running as a hotel ever since then ..that almost a cool 175+ year old heritage.

Its built in cottage style with plenty of green coverage for lawn and beautiful gardens.

and some super charming features like ...this pretty postbox at the entrance

and trees that a 100 year old (well almost)

have rabbits & bunnies to play around with !

Comfy rooms..

with cozy crackling fire

My only compliant here was this place needs a bit of TLC from Taj group, it is as if they are almost apologetic about putting their name on the hotel

See what i mean would really have to search to see Taj written is small letters on top !

My husband says my standard have really gone up in last 7 years (all due to HIM) hence i am nitpicking and he may be right. After having stayed in all the wonderful places by Taj , i do expect a certain standard for the price i am paying.. and that includes carpets in the room to be spotless clean and not smell musty and a functioning icemaker in bar !

Minor niggles aside, this is a wonderful place to stay , special mention to food & staff. Food is  great my father - in - law who cant stand anything spicy or oily loved the food here so much so we had our all meal here and not really ventured out for any meal outside.

Staff like all Taj staff are wonderful wonderful people who go out of their way to make you feel comfortable.

And i totally loved the bar, music is simply perfect, and setting so cozy and nice ..its the kind of place where you would spend the whole night talking to friends over random stuff.

And yes we did do one touristy stuff ..went around to the lake for quick photo session..


  1. very beautiful. havent got a chance to be there yet, but soon, i will


    Himanshu Nagpal | Being Traveler

    1. Thanks Himanshu, Surely a worth visiting place. Do check it out soon :)


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