Tuesday, 11 December 2012

kale , ghane, sundar baal - The Straight hair experiment

We are having a bit of blogger moment , after attending the indiblogger meet , reviewing book for blogadda and creating a party look, again for indoblogger now is the time to create a crazy post for Sunsilk The Straight hair experiment courtesy indiblogger .

The idea is to share all the whacky out of world ideas that can get the straight black hair look. I mean who doesn't want a gorgeous straight black hair, an epitome of indian beauty ? My husband is after my life to get my hair straightened but after looking at some of the post effects i am really really scared.

I am so looking forward to Pantene straight hair shampoo, how cool would it be to have a shampoo that gives you a straight hair within 5 mins  and that too without any side effects ?

And while i have been slightly less adventourous in trying to strighten my hair, a simple google search revelead a few outrageous ideas ..sample the following...

Option 1 :

apply some oil and water... comb you hair straightly...
and then put a cap over. for an hour... that should keep it straight for a few hours...
do this daily for a few weeks.. and your job is done...
trust me .. i tried this some time last year and it worked great!!
ps: Instead of cap, I put on my helmet and took about 25 mins to ride to work, and the hairs were straight for whole day!!

(From : Yahoo )

Option 2 from you tube using lot of hair bands 

Option 3 

Hair Wrapping, details here , essentially wrapping wet hair around your head for a day ! 

Option 4 

Hair transplant !!!! (a bit too much i think) 

Well so far i have not given to any of these ideas , love them too much (atleast whatever has remained after years of neglect and pollution of delhi) ..will wait for a shampoo to make my (or rather my husband's) dream true.


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